Declaration of Conformity

European directives 2011/65 / EU "RoHS" of June 8th, 2011, as amended in Appendix II - (EU) 2015/863 - "RoHS III" - of March 31st, 2015

The above guidelines, Restriction of (the use of certain) Hazardous Substances, regulate the pollutant concentration and the resulting avoidance of specified hazardous substances in electrical and electronic devices. The directive was implemented in national law by the ElektroStoffV.

Since June 8, 2011, limit values ​​have been in effect for the pollutant concentrations of lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium and brominated flame retardants and other substances for newly placed electrical and electronic equipment.

DewertOkin GmbH regards the protection of the environment and natural resources as a corporate obligation. Implementation of the RoHS directive is therefore a matter of course for us.

DewertOkin GmbH confirms that products placed on the market, as well as their components, meet the legal requirements of the European Directive 2011/65 / EU RoHS, which came into force on June 8, 2011.

Kirchlengern, 1st September 2021

Dirk Flören
Managing Director
