Política y directivas


Our company, DewertOkin GmbH, is a global player. The main focus of our operations lies in the development, production and sale of motorized systems. Our company policy is based on company principles that are named below.

Responsibility for determining and implementing the company policy as well as supplying ap­propriate role models lies with the management. The entire workforce is jointly responsible and actively involved in the implementation process. The management provides the infrastructure, appropriate training as well as the motivation and means to assist the workforce in performing its tasks.

It is the central task of the management to set realistic, challenging and comprehensive corpo­rate goals. The objectives set out in the company policy are periodically organized into measur­able, precisely defined goals which are communicated to the employees. Joint attainment of our goals creates a shared sense of achievement. The management promotes active participation and teamwork. Particularly with regard to development, design and planning processes, we find it highly beneficial to work in cross-functional teams.

It is the declared aim of the management to develop innovative quality products with due regard for ecological, economic and human aspects in order to ensure the company's continued exis­tence and long-term success.

Dirk Flören

Managing Director  

Corporate Guidelines


For us corporate culture means "walking the talk", showing fairness, commitment and respect towards our colleagues as well as promoting an open, honest dialogue. This is the basis for the meeting of hearts and minds and the guarantee of the company's success.

Each member of the workforce assumes responsibility for his/her decisions, expects others to respond responsibly in return and in the process acts in the company's overall interests. The customer/supplier principle characterizes the cooperation of the workforce with the conse­quence of fulfilling not just the role of the customer but also that of the supplier. Each member of the workforce gears his/her actions towards efficiency and producing the maximum yield, at the same time as using raw materials and energies economically and with due care. In keeping with the features of our culture, our management bears full responsibility for promoting and ensuring the satisfaction of our workforce.


The competence, commitment, creativity and integrity of our workforce are the key corner stones of our company's success. We help our employees to improve their efficiency and per­formance by providing basic training and encouraging professional development, ensuring safe workplaces and offering a fair, performance-related remuneration.


We support and respect the internationally proclaimed human rights and promote their compli­ance in our sphere of influence. Moreover, we strictly object to any form of child and forced la­bour. We expect strict compliance with these ethical principles also from our business partners.


We expect all employees to respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual. We do not tolerate discrimination, sexual or other personal harassment or defama­tion. The same applies with regard to coercion, violence or the threat of same.


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